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There are two new directives, first for the fast reaction mechanism aimed towards preventing VAT fraud. The second one is for the...


Financial statements may be used by different stakeholders for a multitude of purposes. Owners and managers require financial statements...

save on Taxes

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on consumption levied in the United Kingdom by the National Government. It was introduced in 1973 and is...


Financial statements are prepared according to agreed-upon guidelines. In order to understand these guidelines, it helps to understand...

Tax Update – 2 January 2014

Increase in VAT rates from 13th January 2014 – From the 13th January 2014, the standard rate of VAT, which is applicable to the supply of...

Changes in Cyprus parliament law – 29/4/2013

Νόμος που τροποποιεί τον Περί Φορολογίας του Εισοδήματος Νόμο Ο συντελεστής του εταιρικού φόρου έχει αυξηθεί από 10% σε 12.5%- ισχύει από...

Special Levy Tax – 5/2/2013

The House of Representatives has recently voted on various amendments regarding the Special Levy Tax of €350 which is paid by companies....

Ετήσιο Τέλος – 5/2/2013

Η Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων έχει πρόσφατα ψηφίσει τροποποιήσεις σχετικά με το Ετήσιο Τέλος των €350 που καταβάλουν εταιρείες. Ετήσιο Τέλος –...

Cyprus and Portugal sign tax treaty

A tax treaty, which is based on the OECD Model Convention on Income and Capital, has been signed between Cyprus and Portugal in November...

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